Ice Skating Safety Tips

January 01, 2017

Ice Skating

Winter Sports Injury Prevention Tips:  Skating

Ice skating is a fun winter activity, and also a great exercise! The National Safety Council offers these tips to help you and your family enjoy safe skating.

  • Wear the right equipment. Wear warm clothing and skates that fit comfortably and provide enough ankle support to keep you on your feet.  Have the blades professionally sharpened at the beginning of each season.
  • Always skate with another person.  Insist that children skate with a friend or in a group.
  • Skate only on designated skating indoor/outdoor skating areas. Skate only on specially prepared skating areas where you are sure the ice is strong enough to withstand your weight.
  • Check the ice. Always check for cracks, holes and other debris.
  • Take a lesson.  Before setting out on your skating expedition, learn basic skating skills, such as how to stop and fall safely.
  • Take breaks.  Rest when you become tired or cold.
  • Wear a helmet.
  • Go with the Flow. Teach children to skate in the same direction as the crowd to avoid collisions.
  • Food or candy.  Avoid chewing gum or candy while skating to prevent choking.

Source: National Safety Council

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