Blog & Commentary

When to go to Urgent Care vs. the Emergency Room (ER)

July 17, 2019
When you or a loved one is suddenly injured or feeling very sick, there's a critical decision to make – do you need to go to urgent care or...

New Career at Denver Health for One-Time Addict

July 02, 2019
More than 15 million American adults struggle with alcohol abuse, according to the most recent National Survey on Drug Use and Health. It can be...

Why Do I March in Pride?

June 14, 2019
Denver Health is proud to provide affirming and sensitive health care for the LGBTQ community at all of our locations from a network of...

How to Choose the Best Sunscreen

May 15, 2019
By now most of us are aware that we need to protect our skin from the sun. However, while sunscreen is commonly seen by the pool or at the beach,...

Advice for Parents and Students After a School Shooting

May 08, 2019
The shooting on May 8 at STEM School Highlands Ranch that killed one student and injured eight others has some parents and students feeling...

Denver Health Supports Bill to Increase Vaccination Rates

May 01, 2019
A Denver Health Physician's Perspective More than 700 cases of measles have been recorded across the country since January. But only 89 percent of...

What is Superhero Therapy?

April 25, 2019
Calling all Superheroes! This Sunday, April 28 is National Superhero Day which was created in 1995 by Marvel Comics employees in order to recognize...

Why Do I Have These Brown Spots on My Face?

April 18, 2019
I get a lot of questions in the Denver Health Dermatology clinic about brown spots appearing on skin and more importantly how to get rid of them....

What To Expect During a Sexual Assault Exam

April 15, 2019
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and in recognition of that, I want to talk about the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program at Denver...

Beyond the Marie Kondo Method: The Psychology behind Tidying-up

March 12, 2019
Debuting in January 2019, the popular Netflix show “Tidying up with Marie Kondo” promised to help families decrease chaos and...
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