Blog & Commentary


Stopping the Spread of COVID 19 In Any Language

April 29, 2020
Denver Health is proud to provide care for all in our community, especially at this time when we are experiencing the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)...

Should I Tell People I Have COVID-19?

April 22, 2020
Struggling Through The Stigma of Getting the Novel Coronavirus and Recovering We are now several weeks into the reality of COVID-19 being here in...

How to Make a Telehealth Appointment With Your Doctor

April 21, 2020
Phone and Video Doctor's Appointments During COVID-19 and Beyond A lot of things have changed during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, but...

April 10-April 14: COVID-19 Behind the Scenes

April 17, 2020
Week three of Denver Health's photo journal during the COVID-19 pandemic and response.

1918 Pandemic Flu versus Novel Coronavirus: Part 2

April 16, 2020
This is our second of two blogs comparing the 1918 pandemic flu to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). In this blog, we focus on a second wave of...

Sense of Duty Keeps Denver Health Paramedics Going In the Face of COVID-19 Pandemic

April 15, 2020
When we talk about front line workers in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, at the top of that list are the heroes who, in many cases, come in...

1918 Pandemic Flu versus Novel Coronavirus: Similarities and Differences

April 09, 2020
It's been more than 100 years since the world has seen a pandemic on the scale of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). 102 years ago, the world was...

April 3-April 7: COVID-19 Behind the Scenes

April 09, 2020
Week two of Denver Health's photo journal during the COVID-19 pandemic and response.

How to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus

April 06, 2020
Update April 6, 2020: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommends everyone wear a homemade, non-medical grade face mask or cloth...

Why Should I Practice Social Distancing During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

April 03, 2020
For several weeks now, we've been hearing the advice to practice social distancing to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Denver...
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