Oral and Dental Complications of Eating Disorders
September 12, 2000

Eating Disorders (e.g., anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa) are on the rise in our society and cause the highest mortality and medical morbidity of any psychiatric disorder. Medical complications of these two disorders are ubiquitous and can affect every system of the body. While the plight of an emaciated, malnourished patient (i.e., anorexic) is apparent by observation alone, diagnosis of bulimia can be more challenging.
Read about oral and dental complications of eating disorders and more in the book "Eating Disorders: A Guide to Medical Care and Complications."
- Steele AW, Mehler PS. “Oral and Dental Complications.” In: Medical Complications of Eating Disorders.John Hopkins University Press. | Mehler Philip S., and Andersen AE (ed.), Baltimore; 2000.