Blog & Commentary

Using Mindfulness for Relaxation

August 15, 2019
“Relax!” “Calm down!” “Chill out!” When you are stressed out, and you hear these words from co-workers,...

New Career at Denver Health for One-Time Addict

July 02, 2019
More than 15 million American adults struggle with alcohol abuse, according to the most recent National Survey on Drug Use and Health. It can be...

Advice for Parents and Students After a School Shooting

May 08, 2019
The shooting on May 8 at STEM School Highlands Ranch that killed one student and injured eight others has some parents and students feeling...

What is Superhero Therapy?

April 25, 2019
Calling all Superheroes! This Sunday, April 28 is National Superhero Day which was created in 1995 by Marvel Comics employees in order to recognize...

Beyond the Marie Kondo Method: The Psychology behind Tidying-up

March 12, 2019
Debuting in January 2019, the popular Netflix show “Tidying up with Marie Kondo” promised to help families decrease chaos and...

Take Note of this Unique Therapy at Denver Health

January 23, 2019
The Post-it Note, or sticky note. It's small, simple, circumspect and found by the multi-pack in every office supply closet in the country. These...

Looking at Suicide Differently

August 28, 2018
Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand this, too, was a gift.” -Mary Oliver Suicide is a major...

Taking Care of Our Caregivers

May 17, 2018
The Role for Structured Debriefing After Adverse Patient Outcomes Clinical work can take an emotional toll on health care providers. Especially,...

The Opioid Epidemic and Adolescents

March 28, 2018
We've all been hearing about the opioid epidemic. According to the CDC, in 2014, there were more drug overdose deaths in the U.S. than ever before....

Then & Now: Ambulances

November 01, 2017
For more than 150 years, Denver Health has served the Denver metro community – with integrated services and a team-based approach to your...
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