Frequently Asked Questions

What is a School-based Health Center?

School-based Health Centers are clinics located on a school campus. They are operated by Denver Health employees. We provide comprehensive onsite health care to all DPS students.
Find out more about Denver Health's school-based health centers in this short video.

Who can use a School-based Health Center?

Any DPS student is eligible regardless of insurance status. School-based Health Centers can serve as the primary point of care for a student or can work in conjunction with a student's primary care doctor. There is no limit on how many times a child can visit a clinic. The clinic is available for all kids in need.

How involved are parents in the care process?

Parental consent for most services must be given before the student can be seen at our centers. Clinic staff encourage patients to discuss their healthcare with their parents. However, parents are not routinely notified when a patient uses the clinic, unless by patient request or if a serious health concern is identified.

At what age can a student be seen without a parent present?

Students in grades 6 to 12 are able to go to the clinic alone. However, children in preschool through 5th grade can be seen alone, if consented and at the request of a school staff member as long as parents are aware and participating in visit, otherwise a parent must be present.


What if there is no School-based Health Center at my child’s school?

Your child can be seen at any of our 19 locations, typically the location most convenient/nearest to your child’s school or your home.

What does it cost?

There is no charge to the patient or their family for services offered in the School-based Health Center. Patients will not have to pay co-pays, deductibles or fees to be seen. Insurance may be billed but without cost to families.

If my child has commercial insurance (Kaiser, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, etc.), can they still be seen at your locations?

Yes. If Denver Health is able to receive payment from an insurance provider, the patient or the family might receive an Explanation of Benefits from their insurance provider. Patients and families should never be billed for payments made from your insurance and our clinics will never collect payment for services from you.

What if my child needs a service that is not provided by the center?

Our provider will refer you to another provider within Denver Health or our partner agencies, or advise you to contact your primary care provider if you have one.

Who provides these services?

The most experienced providers and staff will provide services for your child. Every employee is trained to provide the best care for school-aged children three to 20 years old. Our team includes:

  • Nurse practitioner, physician assistant or physician
  • Mental health therapist or psychiatrist
  • Substance abuse counselor
  • Health care partner/medical assistant
  • Health educator
  • Community health care advisors/outreach workers/enrollment specialists
  • Dental hygienist

Do School-based Health Centers offer insurance enrollment assistance?

When registering for use of the clinic, families are asked to provide health insurance information or to apply for low-cost child health insurance options and discount programs. Insurance outreach and enrollment staff are available through the School-based Health Center to assist families with the insurance application process.