Frequently Asked Questions About The EMT School Application Process

What is the application process?

Denver Health Paramedics - EMS Education, operates under the first come first serve philosophy. We strongly encourage you to complete all the following steps as soon as possible as our courses tend to fill very fast. We begin accepting students as soon as they have completed the process listed below. If a course fills before the deadline it will close to any additional students. 

Step 1: Complete the application form for the course of your choice. You will be required pay the required $45.00 application fee. Those documents are listed below. 

Step 2: You will receive a confirmation email that your application was received with instructions on your next steps. You must submit ALL required documents to move forward in the application process.

Step 3: Once we have determined that your documents comply, you will receive an approval email with a link to the tuition agreement.

Step 4: Once you have sign and return the tuition agreement, you will receive confirmation of your official acceptance into the program. Please be aware that returning the tuition agreement is the final step and seats are filled in order of receipt of this final document. 

When will I be considered accepted into the course?

Students are considered accepted into the course once all above steps have been completed and you have received your enrollment confirmation email.

What certifications are required?

BLS FOR HEALTH CARE provider certification. Having the wrong certification is the primary reason applications are delayed in the process. (Accepted BLS Provider certifications: AHA, Red Cross, ASHI.) 

Find a BLS Provider certification here

Background Check

A background check is required prior to moving on in the application process. Background checks must go through (we do not accept any other background check). Use group code EN14. Please note that a fee applies. 

It is the responsibility of the student to submit the completed background check documentation to the education department once they receive it.


Required Vaccinations

If you are a Colorado resident, you can order a copy of your vaccination records by clicking this link.

Required Vaccinations

  • Tuberculosis Skin Test or/X-Ray: Tuberculin (Tuberculosis) skin test, blood test, or negative chest x-ray within the past 12 months.
  • MMR: Proof of Mumps, Rubella and Rubeola immunity by positive antibody titers or 2 doses of MMR.
  • Influenza Vaccine: If your rotation (course) occurs between October 1st-March 31st, we WILL require an Influenza Vaccination.
  • Hepatitis B: Proof of Hepatitis B immunization 
  • Tdap: Vaccination must have been done within the last 10 years and remain current throughout your time in the course.
  • Varicella: Varicella immunity, by positive history of chickenpox or proof of Varicella immunization. You may also receive a Varicella titer blood test from your PCP.

Additional Course Information

The book for this course is an eBook. A desktop, laptop, or tablet is required for the course. If you prefer a hard copy of the book, we utilize the AAOS Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, 12th edition and can be purchased online at the student’s expense.

If a course fills before the deadline, the course will be closed, and any outstanding applicants will have to reapply for a future session.

If you decide to no longer take the course, please notify us ASAP so that we can open a spot for someone else to join the course.

We are located at 190 W. 6th Ave Denver, CO 80204. If you have additional questions, please contact us at or at 303-602-2530.

How do you communicate information with prospective students?

Our primary form of communication is email. We strongly encourage you to check your email often so you do not miss any important communications about your application. Make sure to check your spam/junk email folder as well, sometimes email filter settings grab these important emails.

What if I still have questions?

Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.