Thank you for choosing Denver Health for your child’s health care. We want to partner with you on your child’s health. This includes physical, mental, and dental health. Below are some resources you may find useful. The topics include vaccines, sleep, nutrition, development, discipline, safety, and mental health. Please schedule an appointment with your child’s primary care provider if you have any questions.
Resources By Topic
Well child checkups and Immunizations
- Your Child’s Checkups (
- Vaccines for Your Children (CDC)
- Immunize Colorado
- Denver Health Appointment Center: 303-436-4949
- Denver Health Nurseline: 303-739-1211
- MyChart: Sign up for this online health portal so you can communicate with your doctor, access your test results, schedule appointments, and request prescription refills
- Search and connect to support. Financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help starts here
- Newborn sleep handout
- Sleep advice handout
- Bedtime for toddlers handout
- Sleep hygiene handout
- Sleep Foundation

WIC: Colorado WIC
Formula: Formula Feeding (
Starting Solids:
Healthy Eating
- Granos integrales, y que?
- Opciones de Yogur bajas en azucar
- Comidas Altas en Fibra
- Healthy Snack Ideas / Ideas de meriendas saludables
- 10 maneras de comer mas vegetales
- Los Mejores Cereales Bajos en Azucar (6 gramos or menos)
- Proteina
- Estrés, Cortisol y Salud
- Mindful Eating Worksheet / ¿Que Es Alimentacion Consciente Y Como Lo Hago?
- The Hunger Scale / La Escala del Hambre
- Support Child with Healthy Lifestyle / Apoyar a su hijo en vivir un estilo de vida saludable
- Eating Regularly Handout / Razones Para Comer Regularmente
- Healthy Breakfast Ideas / Ideas de desayuno saludable
- Healthy Drink Ideas / Ideas De Bebidas Saludables
- Tips for Picky Eating / Consejos para los que son quisquillosos para comer
- What Does My Child Need to Eat to Grow?
- Why is Calcium Important?
General: Safe Kids Worldwide / ESPAÑOL
Poison: Colorado Poison Control Center
Water safety: Water Safety Handout
Gun safety:
Marijuana safe storage: Safe storage (Colorado Cannabis)
Screen/social media safety:

- The Power of Play - How Fun and Games Help Children Thrive (
- 10 No-Cost, Screen-Free Activities to Play with Your Preschooler (
Potty training: Potty Training: Learning to the Use the Toilet (ZERO TO THREE)
School readiness:
- Find Quality-Rated Preschools in Denver, Colorado (Denver Preschool Progam)
- School Readiness (NAEYC)
- Kindergarten Readiness Checklist (Understood)
- AMAZE - Age appropriate info on puberty for tweens and their parents/
- AMAZE - amaze-es / Latin America
Mental Health

- Understanding Minor Consent and Confidentiality in Colorado
Mental health resources:
LGBTQ resources:
- The Center on Colfax - Rainbow Alley
- The Trevor Project
- It Gets Better Project
- National Institute on Drug Abuse
- For Teens:
- For parents: