Substance Treatment Line

The Substance Treatment Line serves as a vital lifeline for individuals grappling with substance use disorders, as well as their loved ones and health care providers. Recognizing the urgent need for support, this phone line offers a gateway to essential resources and guidance. Whether one is seeking treatment, advice, or simply exploring options for recovery, a call to the Substance Treatment Line connects you with compassionate patient representatives who skillfully triage your needs. No call is too big or too small for our trained staff. Whether it's scheduling appointments or offering valuable resources, this service stands as a beacon of hope and assistance on the journey toward recovery.

Call Today


Hours of Operation

  • Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • If you are calling outside of normal business hours, please leave a voicemail and we will return your call within 2 business days.

Why Call Us?

Compassionate Support: Our team offers kind and compassionate care with zero judgment. All calls are free and confidential.
Tailored Solutions: We are dedicated to helping you navigate and connect with the best resources and treatment options for your situation within Denver and surrounding communities.
No Pressure: Choose what’s best for you; no requirements to participate. We are a community resource dedicated to helping you navigate your options.
Inclusive Care: For ages 12 and up.

Don’t wait. Take the first step toward recovery.