Mom/Baby Unit

WebmombabyfamilyAfter an initial exam, your baby will stay with you during the recovery period and accompany you to the Mom/Baby Unit. If your baby is premature or needs special medical attention, he or she may be admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The NICU is located on the same floor as our Labor and Delivery rooms so moms can visit often.

The Mom/Baby Unit provides a spacious, private room with a bathroom and a sleep area for your partner/support person as you recover from delivery.

The nurses on the Mom/Baby Unit specialize in caring for you and your baby together. The focus of your stay is to help you rest and recover from the birth and to teach you how to care for your new baby. Most of the baby’s care can be provided at your bedside. We welcome you to keep your newborn with you as much as you like, which is sometimes called rooming-in. The unit also has a well-born nursery available for newborn care, if you so choose to have your baby stay there at any point during your stay.

New moms need nutrition as they recover and begin the journey of caring for a baby. That is why we have room service available to all our new moms on the Mom/Baby Unit.

All of our Mom/Baby Unit nursing staff are also trained to assist and support moms with their breastfeeding goals.