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Parking Availability for Staff Working at the Hospital
In an effort to help our employees working at the hospital during this time, we have identified an opportunity to provide free-of-charge parking through April 30. Many staff members are currently working from home, which has provided additional capacity in our employee garages. If you are working on campus and you would like to have access to parking, please provide your name, shift, and the name of your work unit to your manager for authorization to be assigned temporary employee parking. Managers should forward requests to
Please be aware of the following:
· Spaces are limited and parking will initially be available through April 30.
· Parking will be free-of-charge for eligible employees through April 30.
· Temporary parking will not be granted to staff that already have access to on campus parking. If you pay for employee parking and you are currently working from home, you will need to continue to pay for your employee parking in order to retain your right to park in the staff parking garages once the COVID-19 situation passes.
· Clinical staff will receive higher priority, as well as staff that are directly managing COVID-19 assignments.
· Please make sure to state your shift on your request, so that we know whether you will need parking for day or night. Night shifts start after 3 p.m.
· The spaces are temporary and you will receive notice when your space needs to be vacated.
· Receiving this temporary parking authorization will not affect your position on the waitlist.
Suggestions to Help Minimize the Risk of Infection
If your job requires you to be in the hospital or clinic, and you are in a patient-facing role, it’s important to be informed and take steps to minimize the risk of infection. Please see the attached visual summary.
RISE Peer Support
Are your staff suffering from COVID-19 related distress? There is a virtual group support available at NOON each day this week. Please forward this to your staff if you feel your team would benefit. Because each group is limited to 10 participants, advance registration is required. See below. See RISE peer support subsite here: http://pulse/administrative/rise/SitePages/Home.aspx
Clinical Updates
Blood Donations
Patients or employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 and fully recovered may be eligible to donate plasma which can be used as a potential treatment option for patients who are sick with COVID-19. Those who are interested should call 720-777-3557 or e-mail More information can be found at:
COVID-19 Epidemiology
· 5,172 Total cases in Colorado and 150 deaths (7.1% increase), 26 of which have been in Denver county, as of 4/6 at 4pm.
· Denver Health has 34 inpatient total cases; breakdown includes (as of 9 am today):
USA cases
Colorado cases
Colorado Deaths
Denver cases
Total DH inpatient cases
No. of Admitted PUI
Denver Health Tests
(9.0% incr.)+
(4.9% incr.)+
(7.1% incr.)+
(3.7% incr.)+
26 Deaths
37 total
20 floor
17 ICU
10 on vent
Total: 1932
Pos: 263
Last 24 hours:
150 Total 20 Positive
24 hours:
4 more
4/6/20 HuddleSheet
Clinical Updates
Mask Use Policy
Effective today, all staff members, both clinical and non-clinical that work within the hospital or a clinic are required to wear an N95 or medical mask. For questions about what type of mask you should wear, please see the PPE algorithm.

· Supply of N95 and medical masks
Coordinate with your unit supervisor and go to Central Supply to pick up the amount required for a 24-hour period. Please use PPE responsibly and do not take more than required.
· Non-medical masks
Non-medical masks will not be supplied from Central Supply. Please see details below on Governor Polis’ Colorado Mask Campaign below. You may also learn how to make your own non-medical mask by visiting the CDC website.
Central Supply is planning to implement a new system for distributing PPE to clinical units, based on patient count and staffing levels. More details will be provided in the coming days.
Testing for Established Denver Health Ambulatory Patients
As of April 7, 2020, COVID-19 testing is available for established Denver Health ambulatory patients. Please see the attached huddle sheets for the criteria and process.
Governor Polis’ Colorado Mask Campaign
On Friday, April 3, Governor Polis announced the Colorado Mask Campaign encouraging Coloradans to wear non-medical cloth face coverings when leaving the home. You can see details and an FAQ here.
COVID-19 Data
· 4,950 Total cases in Colorado and 140 deaths (11% increase), 24 of which have been in Denver county, as of 4/5 at 4pm.
· Denver Health has 34 inpatient total cases; breakdown includes (as of 9 am today):
USA cases
Colorado cases
Colorado Deaths
Denver cases
Total DH inpatient cases
No. of Admitted PUI
Denver Health Tests
(8.2% incr.)+
(8.5% incr.)+
(11% incr.) +
(9.5% incr.)+
24 Deaths
34 total
17 floor
17 ICU
12 on vent
Total: 1782
Pos: 243
Last 24 hours:
90 Total
24 hours:4 fewer
*Includes staff, inpatient, and outpatient testing
+ percent increase from yesterday’s data
Daily Updates
Hospital Laundered Green Scrubs
This communication only applies to staff who would like to use hospital laundered green scrubs while caring for confirmed COVID-19 patients. If you work in a perioperative or procedural area (OR, GI, Cath lab, SPD, L&D, PreOp, PACU, etc.), this communication does not apply to you, and you should continue getting your scrubs via the normal process. Please do not use the new location to obtain or deposit your scrubs.
Effective Tuesday (4/7) at 5:30 am, Denver Health would like to offer hospital laundered (green) scrubs to team members who are providing direct patient care on COVID+ units. The units / team who will initially be eligible for scrubs include:
- Emergency Department - Adult Urgent Care - MICU - PCU
- 3B - 4B - 9A
- Respiratory Therapy - Phlebotomy
- Pulmonary Critical Care Physicians and Advance Care Providers
- Hospitalists Physicians and Advance Care Providers
- Emergency Department and Adult Urgent Care Physicians and Advance Care Providers
- Neonatologists and NICU APPs
- Inpatient Nursing Float Pool and Labor pool employees who are working in the areas listed above
If you are a member of any of the teams listed above or you are assigned to work on these units through the float or labor pool, scrubs can be checked-out and returned in the SICU waiting room (Pav A, 2nd floor, A2700). Follow the signs and enter through side-door (near OR conference room).
To reduce the wait for scrub distribution, please register in advance via this link: SCRUB REGISTRATION.
If you do not register in advance, you can register in person at the SICU waiting room. In person registration adds additional time to the scrub distribution process so please come early.
Denver Health has a limited number of scrubs. To ensure that we have enough scrubs for the team members who are actively treating COVID+ patients, please ensure you:
1) Only check out one pair of scrubs at a time (COVID+ Team Members will only receive one scrub credit).
2) Check-out scrubs at the beginning of your shift and return them at the end of your shift. Please be sure to return your scrubs to the same location you received them from (SICU waiting room).
3) Only use scrubs if you are going to have face-to-face encounters with COVID+ patients on the day you are getting scrubs. Please do not checkout scrubs if you are doing admin work on a specific day or are not caring for COVID+ patients.
4) In the unlikely event that we do not have enough scrubs for you on a particular day, please ensure you bring appropriate work attire with you for your shift.
5) Please always use your badge to checkout and return your scrubs. Your scrub credit is tied to your badge ID number. If a friend or colleague returns your scrubs using their badge, you will not be credited with the return. This will leave you with no credits and will make it difficult for you to get scrubs in the future.
For more information on green scrub usage, including an FAQ, please see the Hospital Laundered Green Scrub attachment.
Staffing Office Registry Communication
As part of Denver Health’s Incident Command, the Planning Section is leading the organization of a centralized staffing function to respond directly to the increase in COVID-19 patients and the impact this has on our current staffing models. Staff will receive a message via Cornerstone requesting that they complete a basic survey. Please direct questions regarding the staffing office or labor pool to your supervisor.
Potential Phishing
Please exercise caution with email links/attachments and URLs. Cyber-attacks targeting COVID-19, such as ransomware, can have a critical impact on our ability to treat patients. Pause, review, and then act when using email and the Internet.
Denver Health Coronavirus Education:
Helpful Links:
Please email with any questions.
4/5/20 Huddle Sheet
Uplifting stories
Do you have an uplifting story about a colleague that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear it! You can submit your stories here.
Clinical Updates
Mask Policy
Denver Health continues to monitor the recommendations of state and federal health officials on the use of masks in patient and non-patient facing areas. Please find attached a PPE guideline to help you understand the type of mask you should be wearing while at work.

Next week we will provide more information on how those that work within the hospital who are now required to wear a mask can obtain one and safely wear them during their shift. For those who don’t work in the hospital or a clinic and choose to wear a non-medical mask as per Governor Polis’ request, please ensure it follows the dress code of being work appropriate and non-offensive. If you have questions after reviewing the chart, please speak with your manager about your mask use.
For instructions on cloth masks please visit the CDC website for more details on cleaning.
COVID-19 Dashboard Data
Please review today’s five data points covering COVID-19 data in Epic in the attachment.
Work From Home extended.
Denver Health has extended its work from home policy through Thursday, April 30th.
Potential Phishing
Please exercise caution with email links/attachments and URLs. Cyber-attacks targeting COVID-19, such as ransomware, can have a critical impact on our ability to treat patients. Pause, review, and then act when using email and the Internet
Denver Health Coronavirus Education:
Helpful Links:
Please email with any questions.
4/4/20 Huddle Sheet
Thank you, CEO Letter
Thank you to all our staff for their continued efforts and commitment to serving the Denver community. In case you missed it, please read a letter from our CEO here.
Work from Home extended through Thursday, April 30th
Work from Home will now be extended through Thursday, April 30th. This extension is in line with the newest guidelines from the City and County of Denver, and is intended to be a vital component of doing our part to flatten the curve. All staff are still essential and may be asked to come into work or to contribute through labor pool in various capacity as the needs of the organization continue to evolve. Please speak with your leader if you are NOT currently working from home, but believe you are a good candidate to do so.
Clinical Updates
Mask Policy
Denver Health continues to monitor the recommendations of state and federal health officials on the use of masks in patient and non-patient facing areas. Please find attached a PPE guideline to help you understand the type of mask you should be wearing while at work.

Next week we will provide more information on how those that work within the hospital who are now required to wear a mask can obtain one and safely wear them during their shift. For those who don’t work in the hospital or a clinic and choose to wear a non-medical mask as per Governor Polis’ request, please ensure it follows the dress code of being work appropriate and non-offensive. If you have questions after reviewing the chart, please speak with your manager about your mask use.
Denver Health Coronavirus Education:
Helpful Links:
Please email with any questions.
4/3/20 Huddle Sheet
HR Updates
Work from Home extended through Thursday, April 30th
Work from Home will now be extended through Thursday, April 30th. This extension is in line with the newest guidelines from the City and County of Denver, and is intended to be a vital component of doing our part to flatten the curve. All staff are still essential and may be asked to come into work or to contribute through labor pool in various capacity as the needs of the organization continue to evolve. Please speak with your leader if you are NOT currently working from home, but believe you are a good candidate to do so.
Speak with your leader to answer all work arrangement questions, such as;
- If you feel you would be more effective by taking assignments through the Incident Command Center Labor Pool,
- If you have the capacity for more work while working from home,
- If you are unable to do your work from home.
Clinical Updates
Mask Policy
Given the guidance from Governor Polis to wear some form of protection when out in public, Denver Health will be reviewing its guidelines regarding mask use for employees. Please stay tuned for updated guidelines next week.
Safely Removing Special Respiratory Isolation
We have developed criteria to safely remove Special Respiratory Isolation from a patient with Covid-19. This criterion, adapted from the CDC, applies to inpatients who have laboratory-confirmed Covid-19 infection. This criterion is designed to maximize staff safety while providing careful stewardship of our personal protective equipment and medical resources.
When can an inpatient with COVID-19 be cleared from COVID-19 Special Respiratory Isolation precautions?
The following criteria must be met:
Resolution of fever for >= 72 hours without antipyretics
Floor status with stable or improving respiratory symptoms
Two consecutive negative nasopharyngeal Covid-19 PCR swabs obtained at least 24 hours apart
Anticipated hospitalization lasting for at least 2 more days OR planned discharge to a residential facility including LTAC, SNF, etc.
COVID-19 Dashboard Data
Please review today’s five data points covering COVID-19 data in Epic in the attachment.
Scrub Distribution
Effective Tuesday (4/7), Denver Health would like to offer hospital laundered scrubs to team members who are providing direct patient care on COVID+ units. The units / teams who will initially be eligible for scrubs include:
- Emergency Department - Adult Urgent Care - MICU
- PCU -3B -4B
- 9A -Respiratory Therapy - Phlebotomy
- Pulmonary Critical Care Physicians and Advance Care Providers
- Hospitalists Physicians and Advance Care Providers
- Emergency Department and Adult Urgent Care Physicians and Advance Care Providers
If you are a member of the teams listed above OR you are assigned to work on these units through the labor pool, please register for scrubs via this link: SCRUB REGISTRATION.
Instructions for Wipes
PDI Wipes are to be used in clinical areas (patient rooms, patient equipment). Keep the surface wet for the contact time on the PDI wipe label (i.e. purple tops are 2 minutes, grey tops are 3 minutes, orange tops are 4 minutes) to ensure appropriate disinfection. Clorox wipes are available for non-clinical areas (office spaces) to disinfectant surfaces. Please conserve disinfection wipes whenever possible – Currently, we are NOT having supply chain challenges with restocking PDI wipes and Clorox wipes, however, the supply chain could change in the future.
Please print the attached posters for your units.
Volunteer Services Updates
Donation and Volunteer Opportunities
Denver Health is receiving an outpouring of support from our community. At this time we ask that if you know someone looking to help that they follow the guidelines for donations laid out here
Specifically, we are making sure that when we coordinate food services for our staff that they all go through the appropriate channels. For these donations please have them call 303-602-2926 or send an email to
Potential Phishing
Please exercise caution with email links/attachments and URLs. Cyber-attacks targeting COVID-19, such as ransomware, can have a critical impact on our ability to treat patients. Pause, review, and then act when using email and the Internet.
Employee Training
Annual Training for employees through Cornerstone has been pushed to August 9th, 2020
Denver Health Coronavirus Education:
Helpful Links:
Please email with any questions.
4/2/20 Huddle Sheet
Kindness is contagious
As a reminder, we are all stretched thin during these trying times and kindness is contagious! Please remember to practice kindness when working with your colleagues on the frontlines.
Infographic for COVID-19 Patient Facing Staff
Please see the informative infographic on how staff can minimize their risk to loved ones while working in the hospital. Please print and post these infographics in your units.
Supporting our staff
Thank you to the Volunteer Services team and the Denver Health Foundation for coordinating countless drop offs by community members who have donated to our staff during this time of need. Check out some photos on our facebook page for a smile!
Clinical Updates
COVID-19 Dashboard Data
Please review today’s five data points covering COVID-19 data in Epic in the attachment. We are working to get a dashboard accessible within epic for staff to view. For staff that do not use epic, we will continue to provide this information here in the huddle sheet.
N95 Mask Reprocessing
PPE is a major priority to safeguard the health of staff. We do not have an imminent shortage of masks and gowns at this time, but we are looking at approved ways to safely re-process and re-use PPE. These decisions are being informed not only by our own infectious disease experts, but experts from the CDC, OSHA and other key agencies.
N95 Sterile Processing Information/Bins
- Only N95 masks should be put in bins
- Please do not write on N95 masks. Pens and markers may damage the protective barrier of the mask. Because of this risk these masks are being discarded.
- Many N95 masks are being received with makeup visible on the inside – these are all being discarded rather than being reprocessed. Please consider refraining from wearing makeup if you will be wearing an N95 respirator during your shift.
Questions regarding reprocessing process
We have had a number of questions about the safety of reprocessing N95 masks. We are following an FDA-approved process to sterilize our used N95 masks. It is sufficient to eliminate harmful pathogens including the novel coronavirus, herpes simplex virus, and bacterial pathogens. For more technical information, please contact
Protocol Updates
The following documents have been added to the pulse subsite under Infection Prevention and Stewardship:
IT Updates
WebEx is THE Video Conferencing Solution for Denver Health
- Cisco WebEx is the number one enterprise communications platform and it is approved at Denver Health for all video conferencing, both internally and externally
- WebEx is approved for communicating patient information (PHI)
- Remember to ensure the screen is protected from unauthorized viewing
- New tool coming soon: WebEx Teams
- WebEx Teams offers tools including secure workspaces, messaging, file sharing, white boarding, and video meetings
- WebEx Teams is fast tracked for a quick release
- Have a critical need for WebEx Teams? submit a Service Request (here or the Help button on your computer desktop) and we will configure you as an early adopter
- Educational material/support will be available when WebEx Teams is released across all of Denver Health
Zoom - Temporarily Approved - not Supported:
- Zoom video conferencing has been temporarily approved for use, however Zoom will not be supported by Denver Health’s IT teams
- If you are using Zoom, remember, it is YOUR responsibility to protect patient PHI with a strong password and to protect your screen from unauthorized viewing
- Note: The Help Desk will not assist with Zoom questions or installation requests
HR Updates
HR Resources
Denver Health has resources available to employees dealing with financial hardship as a result of the pandemic. Attached is a list of resources, as well as some changes as a result of the CARES Act legislation that was passed by congress. It can also be found on the Pulse site.
Employee Training
Annual Training for employees through Cornerstone has been pushed to August 9th, 2020
Childcare Assistance
In partnership with the Colorado Emergency Child Care Collaborative, the Y is offering free full-day child care exclusively for children of parents who are first responders, medical personnel or essential workers who need to support their families.
Denver YMCA
- Parents must go through state process to obtain free child care.
- If possible, parents should use their work email for the state's registration.
- Parents need to request the preferred YMCA location (with address) during phase two of the state's registration process.
Denver Health Coronavirus Education:
Helpful Links:
Please email with any questions.
4/1/20 Huddle Sheet: Telehealth, Epic Data, Policies
Supply Orders
You may not order supplies, and you will not be reimbursed if you do not follow the current procedures in place for processing orders. For COVID-19 equipment and supply requests that are not part of normal, day-to-day operations, please send your requests to Selena Frederick with Purchasing. She will coordinate using the COVID-19 AU to pay for new requirements related to COVID-19. This process will ensure that we can capture DH’s COVID-19 costs and have vetted the right supplies. This process includes capital equipment requests as well.
Denver Health is proud to be rolling out telehealth options for our patients! Now more than ever, it’s critical that our patients continue to get the care they need from providers. Attached you will find a Telehealth FAQ for our patients that answers questions surrounding telehealth and instructions on what applications are needed in order to schedule a phone or video appointment.
All dental clinics go live today, April 1, with Telehealth Telephone. Video Visits are rolling out across ambulatory clinics with a goal of getting most on board within the next week.
Clinical Updates
COVID-19 Epic Tagging:
Please continue to add the Special Respiratory Precautions on all suspected COVID-19 patients in their Epic chart under Isolation Status. See below for the appropriate tagging.
COVID-19 Dashboard Data
Each day, you will receive an attachment to this huddle sheet with five data points covering COVID-19 data in Epic. Please keep this information in-house. Do not distribute outside of Denver Health.
Clinical Documents Related to COVID-19
If your area needs COVID-19 specific policies, guidelines, procedures or standard work, including adaptation or suspension of existing policies, there is a process and a specific place to find them. An attachment has instructions on how to work around these needs. It can also be found on the Pulse subsite.
Any approved guidelines will be cross referenced to any current similar policy in Policy Stat and have an added statement related to COVID-19 shown in the highlighted image below.
Denver Health Coronavirus Education:
Helpful Links:
Feel good links:
Please email with any questions.
3/31/20 Huddle Sheet: Scrubs, Sign Sheets
Each day, you will receive a COVID-19 update, focused on new policy changes, additional resources and updates on the spread of the pandemic. Please print this out to share as a Huddle Sheet with your team.
Today’s Updates
Scrub Returns
As a reminder, all Denver Health scrubs should be returned at the end of shift and laundered at Denver Health. Please do not bring scrubs home or store scrubs in your lockers. At this time we are working urgently to ensure all providers have access to clean scrubs. To view the full policy on scrubs click here.
Please note, we are in the process of evaluating the need for additional scrub stations in specific areas of the hospital..
Clinical Updates
Appropriate Signage for Suspected and Confirmed COVID-19 Patient Rooms
Specialized Respiratory signs (Yellow) are to be posted on the doors of all suspected and confirmed COVID-19 patient rooms. Specialized Respiratory signs indicate that the required PPE includes a gown, a surgical mask, gloves and eye protection.
If any aerosol-generating procedures are to be performed, isolation should be escalated to Airborne and an Airborne sign (Pink) also needs to be posted on the door, indicating that all staff who enter the room need to wear an N95 mask instead of a surgical mask.
N95 Collection Bins
Nothing but N95 masks should be placed in the collection bins – specifically no gowns, gloves, or other PPE.
N95 Sterile Processing Information
- Please do not write on N95 masks. Pens and markers may damage the protective barrier of the mask. Because of this risk these masks are being discarded.
- Many N95 masks are being received with makeup visible on the inside – these are all being discarded rather than being reprocessed. Please consider refraining from wearing makeup if you will be wearing an N95 respirator during your shift.
HR Updates
Employees, Screeners and the Visitor Policy
As a reminder, the Denver Health Visitor Policy applies to both patients and employees. Please follow the guidance provided by the screeners and treat them with kindness and respect. If you believe there has been an error made by the screeners, please speak with your supervisor or email for further clarification.
All Denver Health staff—including care providers, contractors and vendors, must abide by the posted visitor policy. If you are a Denver Health staff member please:
- Always present your badge. If you leave your badge in your department, you will have to request a coworker bring it down to you.
- No friends or family are allowed on campus or in buildings for breaks or to drop off belongings.
- Only be on campus if you are working or being seen as a patient.
- Do not bring children with you if you are being seen as a patient. Per the visitor policy, no children under the age of 15 are allowed.
Remember, the visitor policy is in place to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and to protect all employees, patients and visitors.
Social Media Policy
Our staff are the most valuable influencers of Denver Health. Many of our family, friends and communities are reaching out to us for reassurance and information. Please remember that what you post on social media impacts your peers, patients and visitors. Posting any patient information or images on social media is a violation of HIPAA, PHI and Denver Health’s social media policy.
Subway Hours have changed
As of 9:00 PM on Sunday, March 29, Subway (1st floor, Pav B) will temporarily adjust their hours from 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM, 7 days a week until further notice.
Denver Health Coronavirus Education:
Helpful Links:
Feel good links:
Please email with any questions.
3/30/20 Huddle Sheet: End-of-Life Visitors, Mask Shipment
Each day, you will receive a COVID-19 update, focused on new policy changes, additional resources and updates on the spread of the pandemic. Please print this out to share as a Huddle Sheet with your team.
Today’s Updates
Updated End-of-Life Visitor Guidelines
Denver Health has updated its visitor guidelines for End-of-Life situations: 2 designated visitors are allowed (no substitutions).
- This is for all end-of-life patients (not just COVID-19+).
- If visitors have COVID-19 symptoms, they are not allowed to visit the facility.
- Visitors for COVID-19+ patients will receive PPE (including gowns, gloves and surgical masks) when they arrive on the unit and will be provided instructions on how to use PPE by unit staff. Any visitor who refuses to use PPE will not be allowed.
- A smart device will be suggested to communicate with those not designated as an approved visitor. Patients are still not allowed to record, but they may “transmit” video for the purpose of communicating with families.
** Attached in this email are the end-of-life policies in both English and Spanish.
** Guidelines for non-end-of-life visitors can be found here.
Clinical Updates
PPE Shipments Received and En Route
Denver Health is starting to receive shipments of new PPE as of this week. This will help immensely with the anticipated shortages we are seeing across the country. These shipments include new N95 masks, gowns, gloves, isolation kits, wipes and crocs.
Please be patient as these shipments make their way to our facility. At this time protocol on properly cleaning and reusing PPE remains the same. These protocols are being followed per CDC recommendations.
Update to N95 notification to IP team
To improve N95 distribution efficiency, the IP team no longer needs to be notified of N95 mask distribution for our COVID-19 units which include: MICU, 3B, PCU, 4B, ED, AUCC and PES. CS will distribute N95 per Charge RN (or other unit Leadership) request without need for IP approval. ALL other inpatient and outpatient locations will continue to call IP for approval prior to N95 distribution.
Clarification regarding reprocessing of N95 masks
- At this time, N95 masks are being collected, sterilized, and stored ONLY for future use in the event of a critical mask shortage
- N95 masks that are currently being distributed to our providers on a daily basis are NEW masks, NOT reprocessed masks
- Currently, our supply of new N95 masks is adequate
- In the event that we must use reprocessed masks in the future, this will be disclosed to providers
Dental Clinic emergency services
All six dental clinics continue to be open Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
For dental emergencies after hours and on weekends, DH medical providers can be directed to call (303) 461-8999 for direction by one of our on-call dentists. Per CDC, ADA, state and federal official guidelines we will continue to postpone elective procedures, surgeries, and non-urgent dental visits, and prioritize urgent and emergency visits and procedures now and for the coming several weeks.
Staff to Donate in Blood Drives
There are still four spots open for the April 10th blood drive. Sign up for a slot to donate here. The partnership with Children's Hospital Colorado will help build up essential supplies to prepare for an anticipated shortage of blood products. Your donation will help us to continue to meet our patients' needs. Those who have traveled in the past 28 days are not permitted to donate at this time.
Subway Hours have changed
As of 9:00 PM on Sunday, March 29, Subway (1st floor, Pav B) will temporarily adjust their hours from 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM, 7 days a week until further notice.
Denver Health Coronavirus Education:
Helpful Links:
Feel good links:
National Doctors’ Day
Today is National Doctors’ Day. Now more than ever, we want to recognize our physicians and the incredible care they provide to patients year-round. Take some time to thank a doctor today!
Please email with any questions.
3/29/20 Huddle Sheet: Masks and Shields
Each day, you will receive a COVID-19 update, focused on new policy changes, additional resources and updates on the spread of the pandemic. Please print this out to share as a Huddle Sheet with your team.
Today’s Updates
Helpful Hints and Reminders About Our Current PPE Usage Guidelines.
1) Masks are to be worn only by staff who are “patient-facing.” Staff members are patient-facing if they have face-to-face encounters with patients on a regular basis throughout the day.
2) Not everyone who is present on your floor or unit is patient-facing. For example, pharmacy techs do not enter patient rooms and therefore do not wear masks.
3) You should replace your mask when it is damaged (i.e. torn). Do not try to tape a damaged mask back together. Also replace your mask if it becomes soiled, contaminated, or saturated.
4) Remember to manipulate your mask as little as possible. Hand hygiene should always be performed prior to and after touching the mask.
5) COVID treatment units have full face shields available for use; these provide you and your N95 mask more complete protection from droplets. Please use these face shields and don’t cover your N95 with a surgical mask in order to protect it. After doffing the face shield, remember to wipe it inside and out with a purple-top wipe and leave on the isolation cart.
6) If face shields are not available on a COVID unit, they likely just need to be restocked. Ask the charge nurse to call Central Supply at 2-7999 or Infection Prevention at 2-2847.
Subway Hours are Changing
As of 9:00 PM on Sunday, March 29, Subway (1st floor, Pav B) will temporarily adjust their hours from 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM, 7 days a week until further notice.
Denver Health Coronavirus Education
Helpful Links:
Please email with any questions.
3/28/20 Huddle Sheet
Each day, you will receive a COVID-19 update, focused on new policy changes, additional resources and updates on the spread of the pandemic. Please print this out to share as a Huddle Sheet with your team.
Today’s Updates
COVID-19 Positive Staff – Who Needs to Know?
At this time, there is widespread community transmission of COVID-19 in the Denver area and everyone is advised to consider themselves exposed. Because of this, there does not need to be any specific communication to care areas when an employee tests positive for COVID-19. All providers should continuously monitor themselves and fill out the staff survey if they develop symptoms.
Denver Health T-shirt Fridays
Incident Command and Denver Health leadership have decided to allow staff to wear Denver Health T-shirts on Fridays, beginning Friday, April 3. Those in patient care positions should follow their specific department protocols. For more guidance, please check with your supervisor.
Short Term Disability Payment Information
Questions have arisen about the Short Term Disability benefits available to you through Denver Health. Benefit eligible employees (.5 FTE and above) are eligible for Short Term Disability benefits the first day of the month following date of hire. The Short Term Disability plan (the Plan) replaces a portion of your income when you are medically unable to work due to a non-job related illness or injury. The plan replaces 60% of your income or 70% of your income if you purchased the buy-up option. The benefits paid to you under this plan are not subject to income taxes. Additionally, your portion of your medical, dental and vision premiums are not taken from these benefit payments while you are disabled. As a result, the benefit payment you receive will be close to your pre-disability take home pay for your regularly scheduled work. Benefits under the Plan take effect on the 8th calendar day that you have missed work due to illness or injury. Employees who test positive for COVID-19 will receive 100% of their pre-disability earnings for the calendar week prior to the benefits starting. Employees who are out for any other reason will use either PTO or will go unpaid during the first week of disability.
In order to start a Short Term claim, please fill out the Short Term Disability application which can be found on the Pulse at: http://pulse/administrative/hr/fmla/default.aspx
Employees can also contact the Leave of Absence office by e-mailing:
What You May Have Missed This Week
Personal Protective Equipment
In the setting of suspected or confirmed coronavirus, the WHO and CDC recommend that health care workers wear a gown and gloves, surgical mask, and eye protection with escalation to an N95 mask or PAPR when an aerosol-generating procedure is being performed. Denver Health is following these recommendations. However, given our increasing number of inpatient cases and more solid personal protective equipment (PPE) reserves, we have made modifications to the recommended PPE in certain areas. Check with your manager or supervisor for details on updates to the PPE recommended for your role.
N95 Respirator Mask Reprocessing Program: What We’re Doing and How You Can Help
While Denver Health does not have an impending shortage of N95 masks, we are unwilling to rely on the supply chain as our sole plan for replenishment. Solutions such as homemade masks are inadequate and unpredictable. Therefore, alternative plans including the reprocessing of used N95 masks using low-temperature sterilization need to be investigated and the collection of USED N95 MASKS should begin immediately.
At the end of your shift, place your used (not visibly soiled or damaged) N95 mask in a designated collection container on your unit. Do not place used surgical/procedure masks in the collection containers. If you have questions, please contact your leader.
DHHA COVID-19 Employee Resources
Many local hotels are offering discounted room rates to Denver Health Employees during this crisis. Please follow the link below for a list of participating hotels and the rates they are offering our employees, and instructions on how to book. Employees are responsible for booking their own rooms, and are responsible for all charges incurred. DHHA COVID-19 Employee Resources
Employee ID Badge
Please remember to wear your employee ID badge prominently at all times while at work. Under the city and state Stay-at-Home orders, your badge will provide sufficient evidence of your role as an essential worker
How can I keep myself and my family safe?
- Hand hygiene. Wash your hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer multiple times per day, particularly after touching your mask or touching a patient.
- Practice social distancing. Keep 6 feet away from your coworkers and from patients whenever possible.
- Avoid touching your face, nose, and mouth. If you do contact your face, please perform hand hygiene again.
- Stay home if you are ill. If you have fever, cough, or shortness of breath, please fill out the COVID-19 Employee Survey to determine if you need coronavirus testing.
Denver Health Coronavirus Education
Helpful Links:
Please email with any questions.
3/27/20 Huddle Sheet: Returning to Work, Hotel Rates
Each day, you will receive a COVID-19 update, focused on new policy changes, additional resources and updates on the spread of the pandemic. Please print this out to share as a Huddle Sheet with your team.
Today’s Updates
Returning to Work After COVID-19 Criteria
To return to work, your symptoms must be better and you must be fever-free while off antipyretics for 72 hours and at least seven days must have passed since your symptoms began.
Subway Hours are Changing
As of 9:00 PM on Sunday, March 29, Subway (1st floor, Pav B) will temporarily adjust their hours from 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM, 7 days a week until further notice.
Green Scrub Credit Limit
For current green scrub users, we are changing the Scrub Ex credit limit to 2 effective immediately. We are now asking that all scrub machine users return unused green scrubs to the Scrub Ex machines immediately. If you have any issues getting scrubs from the Scrub Ex machine, please read the instructions posted on the machine.
Clinical Updates
In-House Testing: We continue to explore our current testing capacity and determine how our services can be expanded. We are training additional staff on the M2000 in the hopes that we can run back-to-back specimen plates and increase the number of tests performed each day. For accurate test results, it is imperative we are collecting good specimens. Please make sure your team is aware of the step-by-step instruction for collecting a Nasopharyngeal Swab. Instructions are available on the Pulse.
Employee ID Badge
Please remember to wear your employee ID badge prominently at all times while at work. Under the city and state Stay-at-Home orders, your badge will provide sufficient evidence of your role as an essential worker.
DHHA COVID-19 Employee Resources
Many local hotels are offering discounted room rates to Denver Health Employees during this crisis. Please follow the link below for a list of participating hotels and the rates they are offering our employees, and instructions on how to book. Employees are responsible for booking their own rooms, and are responsible for all charges incurred. DHHA COVID-19 Employee Resources
Denver Health Coronavirus Education
Helpful Links:
Please email with any questions.
3/26/20 RISE, N95 Collection, Blood Drives
Each day, you will receive a COVID-19 update, focused on new policy changes, additional resources and updates on the spread of the pandemic. Please print this out to share as a Huddle Sheet with your team.
Today’s Updates
Resilience in Stressful Events (RISE): Peer Support for Caregivers in Distress
Denver Health RISE is a hospital-based program created by Johns Hopkins Medicine and Maryland Patient Safety Center. DH RISE Peer Responders are available 24/7 to provide immediate, confidential peer-to-peer support to all caregivers who experience distressing events at work – the unexpected loss of a patient; a troubling encounter with a family member; an adverse clinical care situation; workplace violence; or a medication error. Email or call 303-436-RISE for more information.
Our team offers emotional support, psychological first-aid and connection to resources and information as needed. Some of the options available to you include:
1. Contact the RISE line to access individual, 1:1 emotional support and psychological first-aid –303-436-RISE (7473)
2. Request a department-specific RISE Group Support opportunity virtually (by Zoom) – any leader can call RISE line to activate this or email
3. Refer team members to multi-disciplinary virtual RISE Group Support for Covid-19-Related Distress scheduled to roll-out next week at a frequency of 2x/week (held via Zoom)
4. RISE Up in the Child Life Zone - Visit the new re-purposed Child Life Zone located in Pav C, 2nd Floor by the visitor elevators. This offers staff a dedicated space for self-care and reflection. Staffed with RISE Peer Responders; resources; snacks; beverages; games. Hours of operation 7 AM – 9 PM, 7 Days a Week (hours subject to change based on staffing availability).
Training Deadline Extended
The deadline to complete Mandatory Cornerstone Training, to include Research Compliance Training, has been extended to August 9, 2020.
N95 Masks are Being Collected After Every Shift
At the end of your shift, place your used (not visibly soiled or damaged) N95 mask in a designated collection container on your unit. Do not place used surgical/procedure masks in the collection containers. If you have questions, please contact your leader.
PPE and Supply Offers
Please direct all inquiries and solicitation for purchase of PPE and supplies to for research and validation. If an individual or company reaches out wishing to make a donation (N95 masks, other PPE or supplies), please direct them to Linda Ford, Executive Director for the Denver Health foundation at
Blood Drive on Friday
Our first Employee Blood Drive is happening on Friday morning in partnership with Children’s Hospital Colorado. If you signed up to donate, please be on time. The next opportunity to participate is on Friday, April 3. Please note that we are in particular need for donors with A+ blood.
Denver Health Coronavirus Education
Helpful Links:
Please email with any questions.
Surge Plan and Labor Pool
Dear Leaders,
As we anticipate a surge in staffing needs, it will be critical that leaders follow the Labor Pool Process. We are prioritizing placements based on organizational needs.
Contact the Labor Pool if you, 1) have a staffing vacancy outside of your normal operations and can’t fill within your department, OR 2) have an employee(s) who needs hours you can’t provide in your department. You (the leader) must make the request to the labor pool and not the individual employee.
Process for Leaders:
- Leader makes a request via the Labor Pool Request form
- Labor pool will reach out directly to the leader for verification of request
- Labor pool will reach out directly to employee to discuss placement
- Labor pool places employee / fills vacancy and sends confirmation to leader
*If we are actively working on fulfilling an existing request it is not necessary to submit a new request form.
Placement Expectations:
The Labor Pool will attempt to place employees in comparable positions and shifts, but this can’t be guaranteed. All employees are considered essential and may be needed in different positions and shifts. Regular clinical needs are handled through the appropriate float pool whenever possible.
Please Note: If staffing decisions are made without sending the request through the Labor Pool, leaders will pay these hours through their own AU and NOT the Labor Pool AU.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation as we all join together to support the needs of our employees, our patients and our community.
The Labor Pool Team
If you have questions please contact us at or ex 20850
3/26/20 CEO Message: We All Make a Difference
Dear colleagues,
We are now into our third week of coronavirus. I am proud of what we are achieving and grateful for every one of you as we rise to this challenge.
The hospital Incident Command Center (ICC) continues to coordinate all COVID-19 activities. We have a team of experienced staff from across all hospital functions to ensure that our response is well managed and resourced. Each team has designated its “five-deep” structure, meaning that we have five people in each area, with each person playing a role in a week-by-week command center schedule. This is a marathon, not a sprint, so we are preparing for the weeks and months ahead. Across all areas of operations, it’s important that we look after ourselves and our co-workers, so that we can care for our patients.
Preparations are well underway for the increase in critical care patients we expect in the coming weeks. Sadly, we know that the situation will get worse, before it gets better. There is remarkable work being done in so many areas, and I wanted to share a few items to highlight the excellence and innovation we are seeing every day.
· We have developed a surge plan to expand our Intensive Care Unit (ICU) capacity. Cabling is underway, we’re installing monitors and ventilators, all of which will grow our ICU capacity to over 100 beds. Preparations to safely operationalize this, such as staff training and support, are also underway.
· We have set up a labor pool process, to determine where we need staff for the forthcoming demand, and to re-deploy employees to the areas of greatest need.
· Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a major priority to safeguard the health of staff. We do not have an imminent shortage of masks and gowns at this time and. However, we must be good stewards of this essential resource. We are looking at innovative ways to safely re-process and re-use PPE, and these decisions are being informed not only by our own infectious disease experts, but experts from the CDC, OSHA and other key agencies.
· Telehealth is up and running, and, where possible, most visits are now converting to phone appointments for the convenience, and wellbeing of our clinicians and patients. We are working to move to more video televisits.
· Denver Health launched its own COVID-19 testing less than one week ago and we’re already exploring ways to expand and improve.
· We’ve seen a great response from staff to participate in our COVID-19 Employee Testing Survey. The survey helps us understand who may have been exposed and prioritize testing for staff most in need.
· The Denver Health Nurse Line has experience a huge increase in calls. They have hired more staff and continue to work relentlessly, responding to up to 1,600 calls per day, which is about eight times the typical volume.
· We will run our first employee blood drive on Friday, which is already fully booked, but we have two more events scheduled on April 3 and 10.
This situation continues to bring out the best in people. Every day, I see and hear examples of how our values are shining through in the work we do. We are also seeing our community rally around Denver Health. I continue to advocate for Denver Health in the community – among partner organizations, the business sector and with donors. The response has been meaningful and heartwarming, with donations of PPE, food for our staff, and financial support.
Denver Health has been caring for our community for 160 years, and we plan to be here for generations to come. Together, we can all make a difference.
Thank you for everything you do.
Robin D. Wittenstein, Ed.D., FACHE
Chief Executive Officer